Getting over ED

I heard about this series of (free!) interviews called "Getting over ED" (ED stands for Eating Disorders) from someone on the Fuhrman forums.  Dr. Fuhrman was one of the interviewees.  I was going to pretend that I listened just to hear him, because  I didn't want anyone to think I have an eating disorder!  Gasp!   Gosh, would I feel that way about someone else who has eating disorders?  No!  So what if I have one.  That would make you love me even more, right?  Anyway, I think these interviews are interesting.  Some I enjoyed more than others.  The person who did the interviews, Tera Warner, is very sweet and loving.  I enjoy hearing her joyful responses to what the speakers are saying.  

I think the other interviews addressed many issues that Dr. Fuhrman does not address. I suspect these are more common in women than men.  Dr. Fuhrman claims that a lot of food addictions occur from malnutrition from eating an unhealthy diet, and that they can be cured with healthy eating.  I understand that, but I don't think all food issues are cured just with healthy eating.  In fact, I developed issues as a result of healthy eating, because it is so different from how everyone else eats.  Until I was eating healthy for a few years, I had a "normal" relationship to food.  I ate when I was hungry, I stopped when I was full.  I didn't think about food except when I was hungry.  I enjoyed eating with my friends and family.  I was a little overweight and unhealthy, but who isn't when you eat the Standard American Diet.  Then I started eating healthy.  I lost weight, and enjoyed learning new recipes and the science.  I adopted healthy eating in stages, first going vegetarian, then vegan, then losing the caffeine, alcohol, salt, refined foods step by step, because I wanted to.  It was completely voluntary.  It wasn't until I started thinking of foods as forbidden that I started running into problems.  By then I had plenty of nutrients in my body from healthy eating, so I wasn't feeling Dr. Fuhrman's issue.  When the very occasional cookie became never, that's when I started wanting it. I would occasionally binge on a bunch of those forbidden foods that had been storing up in my deprived brain.  That's probably considered to be disordered eating, right?   

I've decided this was a good experience because I am more understanding of what others go through.  Dr. Fuhrman says wisely in Eat to Live that nothing is forbidden.  I have adopted that philosophy and it works well for me.  I'm allowed to eat whatever I want.  Therefore, when I choose something healthy, I am doing what I want, right?  So there shouldn't be deprivation.  Not only that, when I choose not to eat those cookies and cheesy bread and pizzas and waffles, I can be pretty confident they will be there whenever I want them if I change my mind (okay, maybe not my friend's Belgian waffles, but there is plenty of other food to choose from).  Well, then, what's the rush.  I can use the overwhelming prevalence of tempting unhealthy food to my mental advantage.   I don't have to have them now if you know that they are available at every corner and doorstep at any time of the day.   Works today anyway.   

Have a great week!

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